Creation 2019
Duration: 1h
All audiences
Show for the room
Within a constantly changing universe, five individuals shine. Through the language of the circus and dance movement, they accompany the slow metamorphosis of the environment of which they are an integral part. In turn body-objects or body-actors, they confront organic matter, accompany it, dodge it, collide with it or merge with it. Like fractals, nothing here has a beginning or an end, but is part of a continuum, of which the spectator grasps only a
snapshot. In this decaying universe, humanity is driven by an optimistic curiosity about otherness and the unknown: because the end of all things is also the beginning of another. By embracing this constantly renewed biotope, in harmony or chaos, bodies reflect the random and allow themselves to be crossed by a disturbing strangeness… and fleeting moments of beauty.
Fractales was born in reaction to a certain number of announced end perspectives: end of an economic, ecological, political system, etc. It declines a new aspect of the research work around man and nature, this time drawing inspiration from the observation of the living in the face of the inconstancy of a changing landscape. Thus, the 5 artists on stage and the scenography experience cyclical and chaotic transformation, where any collapse is followed or accompanied by a renewal.
"Chaos is filled with hope because it announces a rebirth" Coline Serreau
"...Fanny Soriano has composed a gem of a score for five with, as instruments to embody this symphony for the environment, which she is so passionate about, coral lentils, small pieces of cork and large pieces of fabric which she plays magnificently... "
Laurent Gutting, Midi Libre

Teaser - FRACTALES - Cie LIBERTIVORE / Fanny Soriano

Writing and choreography Fanny Soriano
Artistic collaboration Mathilde Monfreux and Damien Fournier
Interpretation Kamma Rosenbeck, Nina Harper, Voleak Ung, Vincent Brière, Léo Manipoud
Music Gregory Cosenza
Costumes Sandrine Rozier
Light Cyril Leclerc
Scenography Oriane Bajard and Fanny Soriano
General management Nancy Drolet
Samuel Bodin stage management
© Photo : Tom Prôneur / Loïc Nys - Sileks / Ian Granjean
Production Libertivore Company
Co-productions Performing arts center - Friche de la Belle de Mai - Marseille / Archaos - National circus center - Marseille / Le Merlan national stage of Marseille / Theaters in Dracénie - Théâtre de l'Esplanade, a conventioned stage from childhood and for dance - Draguignan / La Passerelle, a national stage of Gap and the Southern Alps / Platform 2 Circus Centers in Normandy - La Brèche in Cherbourg - Cirque Théâtre d'Elbeuf / La Verrerie d'Alès National circus center Occitanie / CIRCa, National circus center Auch Gers Occitanie / Théâtre de Châtillon / The smallest circus in the world - Center for circus arts and emerging cultures - Bagneux / Jules Verne Circus - National Circus and Street Arts Center - Amiens
Archaos residency receptions , Marseille National Circus Center / Platform 2 Circus Centers in Normandy - La Brèche in Cherbourg / La Verrerie d'Alès, Occitanie National Circus Center / La Cascade, Ardèche-Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes National Circus Center / CIRCa, Auch Gers Occitanie National Circus Center / The smallest circus in the world - Center for circus arts and emerging cultures - Bagneux / La Passerelle Theater, national stage of Gap and the Southern Alps / Le Merlan national stage of Marseille / Jules Verne Circus - National Circus and Street Arts Center - Amiens
Supported by DGCA – Ministry of Culture, Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (creation assistance), SUD Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region, City of Marseille, Bouches-du-Rhône Departmental Council. With the support of SACD / 2018 Winner Processus cirque - With the support of ADAMI, with the support of Groupe Geste(s) / 2019 Winner
Thanks Otto Akkanen, Jacques Aujard-Catot, Jules Beckman, Julie Bordenave, Johan Caussin, Etienne Debraux, Valérie Dubourg, Astrid Durocher, Pascal Eyraud, Aurelia Fradin, Sylvain Granjon, François Merchie, Jorg Muller, Bastien Pelenc, Nemanja Princolio, Arnaud Sauvage, Les Ateliers Sud Side, Jonathan Sutton, Amaury Vanderborght