Creation 2017
30 mins
All audiences
For the hall and public space
In a chiaroscuro, a mysterious entity faces us. Borrowing from the animal, the mineral as well as the vegetable, this chimera will mutate, unfold, interact with its environment. Invited to spy on this intimacy, the spectator is seized by furtive apparitions: the duo unfolds and contracts, giving birth to abstract and evocative figures, like Phasms without head or tail... The acrobatics, summoned by touches, increases the possibilities tenfold and overturns the forces by games of balance and symmetry, in search of a common center of gravity. Autonomy, slowly tamed, gradually reaffirms human singularity. The characters discover and reveal themselves, sensual and disturbing, brutal and fragile.
Phasmes is conceived as a diptych, the second part of the show "Hêtre". It is both a continuity and a counterpoint, more fiery, more acrobatic, more playful, a piece that "sweeps" the space differently. Phasmes develops an acrobatic language in duo where humanity and animality embrace in the same look. The bodies, malleable and metamorphosable, probe the place of man in a (super)natural biotope.
… it is a powerful proposition to the point of being overwhelming, both technical and full of grace. An animality that is not tamed, but which nevertheless does not frighten, a return to the earth and to the body that guides the gaze towards the sky as much as inside oneself. The kind of show that gives goosebumps, because it succeeds in addressing the sensitivity most deeply hidden in the heart of the spectator…
Mathieu Dochtermann, All culture

TEASER / Compagnie Libertivore - Phasmes - 2017 - Duo main à main - Cirque/Danse
Written and directed by Fanny Soriano
Artistic collaboration Mathilde Monfreux and Damien Fournier
Interpretation Voleak Ung and Vincent Brière (creation)
or Hamza Benlabied and Maria Céleste Mendozi
Music Thomas Barriere
Costumes Sandrine Rozier
Lighting creation by Cyril Leclerc
Lighting director Olivier Schwal
© Photo : Tom Prôneur / Christopher Marc (Le Merlan) / Joseph Banderet
Production Libertivore Company
Archaos co-productions - National Circus Center - Marseille / Le Merlan national stage of Marseille / La Passerelle theater, national stage of Gap and the Southern Alps, Performing Arts Center / Friche de la Belle de Mai - Marseille.
Receptions in residence Le Merlan national stage of Marseille / Théâtre La Passerelle, national stage of Gap and the Southern Alps / Archaos, National Center Cirque Méditerranée, Marseille / Departmental domain of Etang des Aulnes.
Support This project has received a grant to support local artistic creation from the city of Aubagne, assistance for dramatic production from the Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur as well as assistance for dissemination from the SUD Region Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur. It has also received support from the Bouches-du-Rhône department - departmental center for creation in residence as well as from the Grand Est region and the National Center for Circus Arts.